30/07/2023 报告:
- 挚诚欢迎: 欢迎第⼀次参加我们实体或线上直播崇拜的新朋友们,很开⼼认识你们,请在聚会结束后稍作停留,可以让我们有机会更加认识你。聚会结束会后⿎励弟兄姐妹留下⼀同团契沟通,若有什么在基督⾥的⿎励,发⾃爱的安慰、慈悲
和怜悯,在圣灵⾥的分享,可以彼此分享。 - 探访与祷告: 若探访和祷告的弟兄姐妹请联系⾼传道。
- 祷告会:周⼆晚上8点,我们继续通过zoom线上祷告。期待代祷勇⼠加⼊祷告会,我们⼀同在属灵争战中为彼此,为教会,为世界代祷。
- 家庭⻔训:年会基督教教育部将主办⼀场家庭⻔训讲座(中⽂)。讲员:江秀圈博⼠,时间:第⼀讲,“起跑线与终点线之间”,11/08, 8pm;第⼆讲,“依附模式与界限问题”,12/08, 10am; 第三讲,“塑造情绪智商+复原议题”,12/08 8pm;第
四讲,“真实世界vs虚拟世界-E世代的挑战与得胜”,13/08, 8pm。讲座将以线上⽅式进⾏,请通过线上⽅式报名https://forms.office.com/r/hE0rEz4qmf。英⽂讲座时间为9⽉份开始。 - 宣教复兴晚会:年会宣教部举办的宣教复兴晚会于8⽉25⽇(周五)在救恩堂举⾏。时间:7:30pm-9:30pm.讲题:《宣教教会的⻛貌》。讲员:王宝星牧师/博⼠。
- 福⾳更新营:11⽉16-18⽇,City to City举办第⼆节福⾳更新营。营地:SeasideGarden Retreat。费⽤:$350。报名截⽌:10⽉1⽇或达到⼈数限制。
- LAMM课程:宣教学概论。讲员:王宝星牧师(博⼠)。上课时间:7/10;14/10;21/10;4/11;周六,10:00am-6:00pm。注册截⽌:24/09/2023。
- 英语团契:05/08(周六)晚6点半电影之夜:福⾳电影The Chosen系列。请弟兄姊妹邀请朋友来参加。该团契将以英⽂进⾏。
- 神学教育:感谢神,年会有异象扶持更多年会神学⽣接受装备。我们可以在经济上⽀持年会神学教育事⼯,亦可以通过祷告⽀持年会的神学⽣deGarden Retreat。费⽤:$350。报名截⽌:10⽉1⽇或达到⼈数限制
进入教会会堂的条件 :
- 鼓励您在教堂内时都戴上适当的口罩或面罩。 如果您没有口罩,请向招待索取。
- 请在入口处扫描温度。 另外,写下您的姓名和联系方式或通过扫描非接触式的二维码签到。
- 请使用提供的洗手液对手进行消毒。
- 请注意保持1.5米的距离。
- 请不要将椅子从标记上挪动。
- 纽省公共卫生部要求,凡未完成接种疫苗者,避免在崇拜时开口歌唱或朗诵。
- 请把奉献投入奉献箱。
- 请通过标有“出口”的门离开教堂。
If you are Covid-19 confirm case or have “close-contact” or are felling unwell, please follow the recommendation set up in the “Covid-19 Test & Isolate National Protocol” and do not attend the service. Please attend the Facebook Live broadcast service and seek medical help if necessary.
Conditions of ENTRY
- You are encouraged to wear appropriate face mask or face cover whenever you are in the church premises. Please request for a facemask if you do not have one.
- Please have your temperature scanned at the entrance. Also, write down your name and contact at the register or check in by scanning the contactless check-in QR-CODE.
- Please sanitised your hands regularly with the hand sanitizer provided.
- Always maintain 1.5 metres physical distancing.
- Please do not move the chair away from its marking.
- NSW health advice those who has not completed their vaccination to refrain from singing or chanting.
- Tithe or offering box is provided at the reception desk.
- Please exit the church via the marked ‘Exit’ door.
What you need to know about coronavirus (COVID-19)
电子转账资料: 佳恩堂帐户Name: Redeemer Methodist Church Inc., BSB No: 062320, Acc No: 1157 5582 线上奉献 Online Giving Donation (转账时请注明您的姓名,奉献号码及奉献项目) |