聚会时间:每个月的第一个星期六,6:00-8:30PM (聚餐开始,每家一道肴,聚会7PM正式开始)
每季度的第一个聚会(2/7 — BBQ Night,1/10 — Steamboat Night)为 “游戏和社交之夜 Game and Social Night”
主席 :Calvin Ting
副主席 :Jerome Ha
文书 :Philip Tang
财政 :小荧
顾问 :John Chung, Rose Chew, Pastor Tim Gao
Nov 2020 Outing @ James Hoskin Reserve
Young family group is a Bible study group is organised around the needs of young family. We meet on the first Saturday of each month from 4:00PM to 7:30PM. Usually a pot luck dinner follow suit after a feast of spiritual food.
Come and join us! All are welcomed!